Is Your Mobile App Development Budget Realistic?

Is Your Mobile App Development Budget Realistic?

Is Your Mobile App Development Budget Realistic?

“Problems” are important for the growth of humanity. Correction: The identification of problems is a necessity for the growth of humanity.

If we don’t recognize a need for change, then the same old systems, processes, and malpractices will keep on existing, and eventually, evolution will stop. Similarly, if the mobile app development budget is not reliable, it will affect the entire business process.

Does your organizational culture encourage the continuous quest for “problems”?

If yes, then congratulations, you are still growing as a business. With problems come solutions. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that there was a problem before the introduction of a reliable solution.

A brilliant idea, which can be shaped by a mobile app development company, can always take your business to newer heights. A good mobile app development company can help you make a realistic mobile app development budget so you can bring innovation.

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For example, the cab aggregation apps have made the intra-city commute a cakewalk, or the digital wallet apps have made our monetary transactions so hassle-free. One who noticed that the existing systems need a solution and acted on it became a change champion. Similarly, you can be a change champion for your business too.

Do you know mobile application companies in New Zealand ground for innovation and competes successfully on the world stage? It is because they believe in building experience for their clients and works with a mission to deliver nothing but the best.

According to a survey by  Clutch, “70% of app development companies invest in discovery stage before jumping to the development phase. Most of the companies incur $5000 in costs for the discovery stage. While app testing and deployment cost $10,000 on average. Also, app maintenance costs $10,000 on average, per year, while the most project size is between $5000 and $10,000″.

Are you looking for an expert to develop your mobile app? To get an idea of the best mobile app development Europe, and the USA, you need to explore a lot of companies and their apps.

But there are some crucial steps to follow before jumping into the world of data and codes of the top service apps. And the most important step is fixing a budget for mobile app solutions.

The “cost-benefit analysis” is the mantra for success in business. And sometimes in the attempt of minimizing the costs and maximizing the benefits, we set a very unrealistic budget for mobile app development.

This article will take you through various financial aspects of the mobile app development budget.

1. Requirement

The biggest factor in the determination of the cost of app development is a requirement of the business. Mostly the budgets are estimated unrealistically because the clients are not clear what exactly they want. Therefore, it is very important to list out all the functions and features of the mobile app.

Along with that, use your network and get in touch with as many developers as you can. Top mobile app companies in Europe analyze your requirements and then proceed further with the process. Therefore, they provide a reliable mobile app development budget.

It is vital to understand the process and get an idea about the key parameters for fixing the budget for the solution. After getting a basic idea, you should be able to draw out a table, as shown below:

This table will keep you on track during the complete development process while working with enterprise mobility solutions.

As shown in the above example, the high complexity of the solution may force you to spend some extra bucks for the solution, whereas the timeline and budget once fixed, cannot be changed easily. This process will give a direction to your thought process while fixing on the money to be invested.

2. Process of development

Before coming out with a fixed amount, you need to have some basic idea about the development process from the mobile development company in Europe that you have chosen. If you know what you are getting into, you will be more confident with your numbers. The basic development process will involve the following stages:

Stage Name What happens in this?
1 Research and Wire-framing After you have analyzed your market and the behavior of mobile app users in Europe; you can create a concept or a list of features in the form of a document or presentation.In this stage the vendor will analyze your requirements narrows down the technical requirements and tasks and will prepare a prototype (UX).
2 App Design After researching about the top European app development companies and bringing the development agency is on board; you need to ask them to begin with the design for your app. Various tools like Invision and Adobe Experience Design etc. can be used to provide you an almost real look of the app.It can go through various iterations until finalized by you. Remember the design and style is an important part of the branding of your business.
3 Back-end development The top app development company in European generally start with the back-end development in parallel to the ongoing design stage. It is also necessary to give back end development a head-start on front end development by a couple of weeks.
4 Front-end development As soon as the design is finalized. The developers will get on with the front end development. Hence; the collaborated approach of client and vendor is necessary to monitor the timely completion of the milestones.
5 Support and Maintenance Although the testing is generally done throughout the process of development. It is necessary to be assured of product quality.  For this; an enterprise mobile app development budget may vary. The mobile application development services provide after-launch support and maintenance for a certain amount of time. This is very important for business satisfaction.

3. The team

To know about the app developer cost in Europe, get in touch with your selected mobility service providers. They will give you a final number as the total cost in their quotes.

It is based on the team, which is going to be involved by the mobile application development company for the whole process. The amount depends based on the total count of human resources and their respective efforts in the whole process.

Generally, the top mobile app companies in USA and Europe include the following members in a development team:

· Designer
· Mobile developers
· Backend developers
· Testers
· Web Developer (For administrative part of the app)
· Lead Engineer
· Support (for after-launch maintenance)

The best mobile app development company USA and Europe may charge on the basis of the work experience of the team involved. The more experienced team you will be having on board, the smoother your journey will be during the whole development process.

It becomes easier to work with the experienced team and make them understand the solution better. Hence, your budget needs to consider this aspect of the team, as well.

4. Type of solution

It is quite interesting to see various mobile application companies in Netherlands (European parts) offer diverse mobility solutions depending upon the cost of the app. The solution and technology are the major drivers of the cost. The typical features of any app can be divided into the following categories:

a) User Authentication Apps:

These apps are complex because user authentication is followed by data collection, data storage, and analysis. These features also support data syncing across devices and push notifications. Hence, these features can increase costs. Hence, companies looking for mobile apps should consider this factor prominently.

b) Social Networking Apps:

If your idea is revolving around the development of a social media platform, then it requires the capability of handling a lot of data right from the start. The success of social media apps is dependent only on the number of active users. Hence, there is a requirement for big data analytics and high-capacity data servers for your app.

c) Ecommerce Apps:

Do you want to take your business online? Or do you want to start your business on a digital platform? In any case, such a solution will require integration with digital payment systems. For example, mobile app development companies in Macedonia will help you integrate with the popular digital wallets like Paytm, BHIM UPI and Free charge, etc. as well as the credit/debit/net-banking payment services with popular partner banks in Europe/Usa.

d) Gaming Apps:

This type of apps will have high graphic requirements. The mobile app development budget will involve high design cost as the aesthetics are extremely necessary to attract users.

Also, gaming apps need a lot of work on the user experience, which may involve a lot of iterations. Hence, it is a long-term project, and the budget flexibility should be high in these types of solutions. Moreover, companies that create apps for iPhone and Android charge more.

e) IoT based Apps:

The hardware-dependent apps which involve the cutting-edge technologies like the Internet of Things and Smart devices need some experts on board. Therefore, these solutions need deep pockets for implementation. But if you are confident about your solution and believe that money investment in the app can give high returns, then it is worth taking the risk.

5. Correct Outsourcing

No matter how much time you spend on your analyzing and researching “top mobile app developers Europe/Usa” the final numbers will be decided only after conversations between you and the development companies.

Therefore, you need to initially search for the top 10 app development companies in the USA as well as Europe and find out a company that can be trusted. And can build long term relationships and provide you an app at the best possible price. Along with a reliable mobile app development budget.

It does not matter whether you outsource the mobile app development in Europe or China or your home country if the company can deliver. Go through their previous work and their current projects. Match your requirements and capabilities.

If you find them reliable enough, then you can also make some adjustments in your budget.


The budgeting for app development is very similar to fixing a budget for monthly household expenses.

· First, you need to analyze your requirements properly.
· Second, understand the cost areas related to the solutions.
· Third, prepare a list with optimum prices.
· Fourth, negotiate with the providers. And finally, fix a budget and stick to it.

It is not as simple as it sounds especially if you don’t know the language of computers and data systems. That’s why coming to a realistic budget will take a significant effort from your side.

Once you have researched the best mobile app development company Europe or the USA and have finally chosen the one you find appropriate for your project. Then, you need to be confident enough to know your estimations, about the mobile app development budget and outsourcing partner.



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