Archives April 2022

Top 3 Reasons to Hire a Web Design Agency over a Solo Web Designer

Top 3 Reasons to Hire a Web Design Agency over a Solo Web Designer

We were recently pleased to be contacted by an old client of ours for some work. It’s always great to hear from customers satisfied with what you do—it’s the highest compliment that a digital craft agency can be paid. However, the client’s story was one we’d heard before.

Our client had initially solicited a solo web designer for some services, with the expectation of getting the work done by a certain date. Weeks later and with little warning, our client received the bad news that the freelancer was moving out of the country, relinquishing his career in order to branch out in new directions.

An international move doesn’t have to be a big deal, but your freelancer closing shop definitely is. Like most businesses, our client had deadlines to meet, and the abrupt “out of business” notice left them in the lurch. We were happy to pick up the slack and do great work for this old client, but this type of story is more common than one would like to think.

If you’re running an online business, you understand that your website is the face of your company. Here we’d like to inform you of the advantages of hiring an agency over a one-person operation for web design work, so you don’t end up facing the same obstacles as many others.

  1. A Design Firm Is More Stable

Our client, and other cases we’ve dealt with in the past encountered one of the most common issues that come with a solo web designer: the possibility of instant quitting. Though it won’t happen every time, it’s much easier for a solo web designer to end their business with a little warning than a web design agency.

Though exact numbers are hard to come by—freelancers are individual people rather than incorporated businesses—we can get a pretty good idea of how many solo web designers go bust overnight. First, there’s the fact that 90% of tech startups fail. Those are small businesses with the backing of investor capital, too, rather than a solo designer working paycheck-to-paycheck. Even if your work is getting done consistently, you may be the only client, and sooner or later that freelancer may need to transition to something more reliable.


Changes in American health care laws have made working for an agency more attractive, since it may be more appealing for a designer to join up with a firm to get good insurance. We’ve heard from numerous clients in that position who’ve been left holding the bag.

  1. A Chain of Command Is Good for Clients

This is the last thing you want to see as a deadline bears down on you.

One of the most appealing aspects of freelancing is precisely that it’s free. Most of us working in the digital world have freelanced at some point, and Being Your Own Boss is part of the American Dream. However, in practice, this means creating and adhering to self-imposed goals and timetables. In a way, it’s more work than having a boss sometimes. Countless popular blog posts demystifying freelancing explains that this is a big problem behind-the-scenes.

Part of hiring a web design agency means paying for a pre-existing structure to get things done. You’re more likely to get lightning-fast email responses if someone’s boss is applying external pressure to do so. This structure of accountability applies not only to deadlines and communication but all other aspects of the business.

  1. More Experts Means You Can Get More Done Better

The team at a web design firm isn’t just a supervisor making sure employees meet deadlines. By virtue of its size, a digital agency will have many more skill sets under one roof than a solo web designer.

Design work is a dialogue between the client and the creator, and every client knows the best work comes from a passionate creator. A designer who’s dynamite at graphic design might find wireframes to be a slog, or vice-versa. Most web design projects will involve multiple components, so the best work comes from multiple people working on the components they’re most passionate about. Other issues notwithstanding, a company that just needs a logo redesign could get someone to mockup a few images. However, something with more moving parts calls for a bigger investment, rather than a quick fix. A web design firm has multiple employees that can each focus on their area of expertise—their passion.

A lot of companies like solo web designers out of the perception that a firm is more impersonal. However, everyone on our team knows that an agency’s individual members bring as much dedication to their jobs as a freelancer do to their own businesses.

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What is a Custom Website Page Template?

The purpose of this article is to explain what a custom website page template is, how it works and how it applies to your website project.

But before we get into exactly what a page template is, let’s talk about why you need to know what it is.

What is a Custom Website Page Template?

Long story short, where projects sometimes break down between a client and a designer, is when the expectations of one party do not meet with the delivery of the other.

In many cases, this breakdown occurs when discussing awebsite page template and a lack of a full understanding of what they are and how they work.

This article is an attempt set the record straight and to help potential website clients have a better understanding of the design and development process and what type of requests and expectations are easy to fulfill and which ones aren’t.

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A Custom Website Template Is NOT…

First things first, let’s talk about what a custom website page template is NOT.

Clients get a little confused when they hear the word ‘template.’ They think about cheap pre-made themes or some form of generic design.

Yes, you can get a free or cheap ‘template’ for your WordPress website, but that is not what we are talking about here.

So what are we talking about when we say custom website page template?

A custom website page template is a framework.

Think of your Facebook profile page. Everyone’s Facebook profile page has the same framework. There is a profile picture on the upper left-hand corner, a banner image at the center top, a grid of squares with your pictures under your profile picture and another display showing your friends under that. And it’s the same design and layout for everyone on Facebook.

That is in essence what a page template is. It is a framework for laying out content in a specific way.

And that’s not the only page template facebook has.

How about your newsfeed?

That’s a custom website page template too. It too has a unique design framework, and everyone is using the same one.

Website Templates and Your Website

So, moving back towebsite design, let’s look at how this applies to your website project.

Your website also has a series of page templates.

Let’s look at the most obvious one. Your homepage.

Your Homepage

Typically your homepage is a unique design. It has a different layout, from the other pages of the site.

In fact, most sites have at least two website page templates, the homepage, and the inner page.

Sticking with the homepage, not only does it have a unique design on the front-end (what you see on the page). But if developed well, then there is a simple setup in the backend to make it easy to edit and update.

Going back to Facebook, think about how easy it is for you to update your profile picture, or add images to your gallery.

Now instead, think for a moment if every Facebook profile page was different.

What if for the profile picture, instead of it always being a square, you could make it a rectangle, or a circle? Or that you could adjust the size to any dimension you wanted?

So, let me ask you a question?

Why doesn’t Facebook let you adjust your profile page more?

  • It would be much more difficult on the backend to develop a page that allowed users to customize the design like that
  • The site would end up looking inconsistent and ugly. Think back to your MySpace days

So not only does a page template have a single design framework but it also has a unique development in the backend which makes it easier for you to edit and update the page.

So, now that we know what a page template is let’s talk about where projects sometimes go awry.

What Can You Expect from a Custom Website Template?

As I mentioned, challenges occur when we don’t meet expectations.

Sometimes a client expects that because the homepage is unique, with many visual and design elements, that means that every single page of the site will be a unique snowflake just as intricate and individual as the homepage.

Generally speaking, this is not the case.

Typically speaking most of the inner pages will be the same. They will be more text heavy and have fewer design elements.

There is a framework for content, imagery, and navigation and most of the pages follow that same design.

Let’s look at an example.

In this particular site, there are three unique page templates, the homepage, the standard inner page and the blog page.

If we look at the gallery below, you will see that most of the inner pages of the site look the same. They might have different content and imagery, but the design framework is the same.

Now, let’s look at another example

In this example, the inner pages are all different. There is a unique page template (or page design) for almost all of the internal pages. Each one is different.

Why is there is a difference?

Well, the primary factor is the budget.

Larger budget projects tend to have more custom page templates.

They do this because a custom page template allows you to tell a more unique and visual story, with more individuality.

Also, there are certain types of pages that lend themselves to unique page templates.

Here are some examples of pages that may need a unique page template:

  • blog
  • resources
  • news
  • case studies
  • testimonial
  • team
  • portfolio
  • products
  • our process
  • careers
  • partners
  • events
  • calendar
  • In fact, any page could get a custom page template.
  • Let’s look at the difference between some of these pages when they have a custom page template design vs. ones that don’t

·        Resources

·        News

·        Testimonials