Archives January 2022


How do you know when it’s time to undergo a rebranding effort? Let’s start by defining what it means to “rebrand.” Rebranding doesn’t simply mean updating your color pallet, logo, and website. If all you want to do is update your “look,” then you’re really just talking about a brand identity refresh.

Rebranding involves more than a face lift, it’s an ideological overhaul that will refocus the entire organization. It is the act of clarifying the emotional connection you want to create with your core target audiences, so they are mentally predisposed to continuously choose and recommend your product or service.

Rebranding isn’t something that should be entered into lightly – you should have a really good reason for undertaking a rebranding effort. Here are four reasons this could make sense for your organization.

1. You Never Established Clarity

This is a common scenario: a company has been successful for years, but over time, the space has gotten crowded and the competition now offers the same product/service better, cheaper, faster. You are having trouble attracting and retaining talent and growth has stalled.

It’s clearly time to make a move and find a way to differentiate yourself and reinvigorate sales and energy around your brand. But wait, you don’t know what your brand is because leadership never took the time to clearly outline your Brand DNA, Brand Values and Target Audiences.

This is a clear sign that it’s time to rebrand the company, or rather brand it for the first time and make a compelling, emotional appeal to your target audiences that will help to move the needle for your business.

2. Your brand is losing relevance

When it comes to selecting the perfect online gaming platform, a thorough national casino review is essential for players. These reviews provide insights into the variety of games offered, the quality of customer service, and the overall user experience. Additionally, they often highlight promotional offers and bonuses that can significantly enhance a player’s bankroll and enjoyment. Navigating through the vast options available can be a daunting task, but a well-rounded review can illuminate the best choices tailored to individual preferences. As players look for trustworthy and entertaining options, these reviews serve as a valuable guide, helping them make informed decisions and discover top-notch online casinos that meet their expectations.

It’s time to evolve and you know it. Years ago, you created a successful brand that was highly unique and relevant to your core target audience. Now, you realize that your message is no longer unique or relevant, and your target audience has changed. The space has gotten crowded and the new competition is doing it better. This is a clear sign it’s time to reinvent your brand and make a new, more relevant emotional connection to a potentially new audience.

3. You are merging with or acquiring another company

There are several ways to approach a merger from a branding perspective. Sometimes both entities maintain their individual identities and carry on business as usual. Other times, the stronger brand absorbs the smaller brand, or the two companies combine to form a completely new entity. Regardless of the approach, a clearly articulated strategic position is needed to ensure you don’t alienate current or potential audiences.

The number one target audience during any type of M&A activity should be internal. Employees need to understand the implications of the changes and have a clear understanding of how the internal culture will change before communicating to external audiences.

4. You need to recover from a crisis

These circumstances are typically rare, and most marketing pros will tell you that the best way to recover from a crisis situation is to address it head on, take responsibility and make the changes needed to prevent a similar situation from happening in the future. However, there are some situations, when an organization is forced to reexamine what it stands for and how it can deliver on its brand promise. Sometimes, an organization has to rebrand itself in order to move forward.

7 Ways to Leverage the Power of Social Media

You need to plan your communication and advertising for each channel. (photo credit: eDesign Interactive)

The retail industry has a lot to gain from tapping into social media marketing and reaching customers directly. Social media has become a key avenue for communication and advertising. Given the current worldly circumstances, people spend a big part of their day connecting online. Most users check their social media apps 5-10 times a day and rely on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more than just news and friend updates.

Social media marketing is a very effective way to participate in the daily lives of consumers, whether you communicate a promotion, a new product, or a service. Research shows that 90% of people buy from brands they follow on social media. Used wisely, social engagement allows merchants to direct traffic to various sections of their website— products, blog, or their eCommerce store.

Skycrown Online Casino has quickly gained popularity among gamers looking for a thrilling experience. With a wide array of games, including slots, table games, and live dealer options, players can find something that suits their taste. The platform is designed for user-friendliness, ensuring that both new and experienced players can navigate effortlessly. One notable aspect is the generous bonuses and promotions offered, enticing players to return for more.

For those interested in a comprehensive review and detailed insights into Skycrown’s offerings, you can check out this resource: This site provides valuable information that can help gamers make informed decisions. Overall, Skycrown Online Casino is a contender in the digital gaming landscape, promising excitement and ample opportunities to win.

All social platforms can facilitate connecting with users at almost any point of their customer journey. This also creates challenges on how to get the most out of your marketing campaigns. Here are 7 ways to convert digital traffic into loyal customers.

  1. Be Present on Several Channels

If your budget allows it, don’t limit yourself to just one channel. Even if Facebook is the most used social platform in your industry, invest efforts in developing your Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

Compelling visuals capture users’ attention and keep visitors entertained. (photo credit: eDesign Interactive)

Your presence on each channel must support a distinct strategy. You need to plan your communication and advertising in advance. Posting the same content on different web pages is a mistake many brands make. Users are looking for a different experience on each platform, and you must meet this expectation.

Context is king!

If Facebook is a good place for promoting your marketing campaigns, your Instagram should feature beautiful photos and less advertising. LinkedIn may be more ideal for news-related communication about your company itself.

  1. Support Existing Marketing Campaigns

Social media communication should be a natural extension of your marketing strategy. All activities, both online and offline, must be integrated to bring higher business results. The goals you pursue on social media should support the objectives of your annual marketing plan.

Let’s say you are focused on launching a new product— aim to craft your social media communication around it. If you are offering special promotions, do not wait for users to become aware of it on their own. You need to deliver this information in the most interesting and entertaining way.

Customers are increasingly looking to social media for information about brands they are interested in. If they hear something about your company or product on TV, users are most likely to look for your social media accounts to learn more.

  1. Connect with Users

Your social channels should not be used as the main avenue to advertise products and promotions. Even though customers are happy to learn about promotions of their favorite products, your long-run strategy on social media must integrate building a brand identity and connecting with your audience.

The digital world has dramatically changed the way users research and buy products. (photo credit: eDesign Interactive)

Your Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram pages are a great place for collecting feedback. You can ask your audience direct questions and run in-depth analysis of consumers’ messages and reactions to specific products.

Genuine customer feedback can be used to improve your content, refine your product strategy, and is great for publicity. The best way to engage new audiences is by leveraging word-of-mouth and public opinion.

  1. Invest in Customer Service

Did you know the main reason consumers interact with a retail business online is because they have a problem or a question? Efficient social media management means listening and responding to questions with great care. You must personalize your answers and reply in a timely manner, as most users expect an answer within an hour.

The digital world has dramatically changed the way users research and buy products. (photo credit: eDesign Interactive)

Social media has become a primary channel for sharing positive experiences, making sales inquiries, and lodging complaints. Caring for your customers means giving them the space to express their experiences. These occasions serve as social proof for your brand.

  1. Target Users with Remarketing

Some of the most effective social media strategies require a financial outlay, so it’s important to plan for it in your overall marketing budget if you want your social media marketing plan to thrive. The good news is most social platforms offer the opportunity to target audiences, and each ad can be customized to speak to a specific segment of your users, which maximizes the return on your investment.

Social media advertising becomes even more exciting when you include not only demographic data and interests but also remarketing capabilities. You can tag your site’s visitors and users who have previously engaged with your content online. You can reach out to former clients and mailing list subscribers by using social media remarketing options. These ads are a cost-effective way to re-introduce your brand and have a high return on investment.

  1. Increase Customer Value over Time

The main goal of social media in the retail industry is to tend to users and encourage them to remain long-term clients. In other words, don’t just focus on acquiring new customers. Use social media to increase long-term engagement and purchases.

The visual concepts built into a brand make products attractive and memorable. (photo credit: eDesign Interactive)

If a user is following or engaging with your brand, they are signaling their interest in your products. This emphasizes the need to diversify promotional messages with content that builds and keeps your brand in the minds of consumers. Your brand will benefit from emotional, educational, inspirational, and fun visuals that entertain your audience.

  1. Produce Quality Creative

Surveys show that 65% of advertising campaigns go unnoticed, while 26% of the campaigns being watched by users are viewed for less than a second.

When you have created the right strategy for your social networks, planned interesting and diverse content, and set up a comprehensive marketing budget, it’s important not to let your efforts go in vain.

Brainstorming session at eDesign’s HQ (photo credit: eDesign Interactive)

The role of good creative is to attract and retain the attention of consumers. We recommend replacing stock videos or photos with your own products, shooting genuine videos, and writing in-house articles. Users will definitively see and feel the difference in communication styles. Think of it as a long-term investment that will make your brand unique. The more you invest in creating your own content, the better the context and engagement.

In order to position your products as the best choice, your visual communication must be produced at a high level. Your images need to be true to your brand’s tone of voice, consistent across channels, and created by a professional designer.

Whether connecting with new customers or engaging existing clients, the business opportunities for retail brands on social media are endless. Take advantage by planning your content and getting the most out of your campaigns.

Should you need help with your social media strategy and digital advertising, our website design team in New Jersey would be happy to assist you. To connect with us, just say



Many entrepreneurs tend to want to do everything on their own.

Business owners have a clear vision for how they want to run their business and are often quick to dismiss anyone who provides input or suggestions that may muddy the waters of that vision.

However, every tech business magnate would agree that they didn’t achieve their level of success entirely on their own.

Remember, teamwork makes the dream work.

Every tech empire began as a startup. So we ask ourselves, “how did these corporate conglomerates become so profitable?”

RTBet Online Casino has quickly gained popularity among gaming enthusiasts for its extensive selection of games and user-friendly interface. Players can enjoy an array of over 1,000 slots, table games, and live dealer options, making it a versatile choice for all types of gamblers. The casino is known for its impressive bonuses and promotions, which enhance the gaming experience and provide more chances to win big. For those curious about what RTBet has to offer, additional information can be found at The site also ensures top-notch security and fair play, giving users peace of mind while they enjoy their favorite games. With a responsive customer support team available 24/7, RTBet Online Casino stands out as a reliable option for both new and experienced players.

Well, the answer is simple. Just like the best sports teams in the world, tech businesses achieve success because of their team.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to scale your tech startup with top development talent so that you can achieve business success.

Create A Plan To Pay Back Investors

Every startup needs some form of investment capital to get off the ground.

Whether your tech startup works with an angel investor, venture capitalists (VC), or a private equity investment agreement, your startup has only a specific window of time to pay back that investment.

Say that these investors gave you $5 million of venture capital to start your business. You may only have a year or two to pay back that investment, plus a return on that investment (typically 25-35% over the lifetime of the investment).

Tech startups have to be aggressive with spending this money.

Remember, you have to spend money to make money.

Investors want you to spend this money wisely. This means that you need a space to work, the proper equipment and technologies, and of course, the tech dream team.

So, once you’ve spent some of that capital on a workspace, computers, desks, chairs, and all other office necessities, then you’re ready to start hiring.

Hire Tech Talent With Product Scale Experience

When a tech startup is scaling, the structure of the development team’s responsibilities may shift from one week to the next.

Your team members must be agile, flexible, and patient as the product evolves and tasks change. Sometimes things can get disorganized and, at times, chaotic when working for a startup.

You want to make sure that you hire developers with experience.

Your newly hired developers should also be able to keep up with the many priority shifts when developing new technologies.

If they have prior experience developing software for a startup, they’ll have firsthand knowledge of what it’s like to be immersed in that kind of culture.

Aggressively scaling a product involves ramping up marketing and sales, hiring more people, raising sufficient capital, and growing the business as a whole.

However, one dark cloud hovers over the entire venture once a startup begins to scale quickly and successfully – they have to deal with a more extensive user base.

This is where it’s crucial to have a development team with product scale experience. As your user base grows, your developers can engineer your database, website, application, infrastructure, etc., to accommodate more users.

Scaling your product enables the technology to withstand more users, so that you don’t sacrifice UX/UI quality due to increased web traffic.

What To Look For In A Web Developer

As a tech startup business owner, you want the best of the best working on your team. Your developers should adopt a precise set of traits, characteristics, and skills to be considered a member of your A-team.

But, how do I know what the “best” is? What do I look for?

The best developers have the most experience, along with the highest degree of knowledge and understanding of the ins and outs of product development.

You want a developer who can write squeaky-clean code so that your website or application can withstand spikes in traffic or users. Having clean code also allows developers to make changes in real-time, saving both time and money.

Developers should always understand the importance of documenting their process. Documenting the development process makes it easier to trace back steps and adjust the product in the future.

Multilingual programming is a must-have skill.

Your development dream team should be very knowledgeable and experienced with all types of software development tools, frameworks, libraries, methodologies, and techniques.

Writing efficient JavaScript language, HTML markup, Swift styles, and turning complex projects into extensible PHP code, for example, are just a few skills that your developers should have acquired over the years in the tech field.

Building your product may require several tools, so your development team must understand how to use the tools at hand, plus what additional tools are needed to get the right result.

Embrace Workflow Automation

Almost every aspect of growing a startup is labor-intensive. Traditional manual processes may slow down your ability to scale the business, so opting for automated processes may be the way to go for specific tasks.

You must think closely about which processes you choose to automate. Is it automating billing and payroll? Perhaps, you wish to automate your business’s marketing processes.

Think about what takes the most time and resources. Then, think about if that component could be automated to save time. If it can save your team more time without creating any additional bottlenecks, then consider automating the process.

You can do this by having your development team integrate third-party software with your existing systems. You could also consider hiring outside help to create a new customized solution that’s right for you.

Where Do I Find Great Development Talent?

Before you begin your venture to find great talent, you want to consider if you want your development team to be in-house or outsourced.

There are significant advantages to either choice, but you want to decide which one works best for you.

Leverage the power of professional talent management services to locate developers that have the industry experience and development proficiency that you’re looking for.

Outsourcing is more economically feasible than hiring an in-house team. So, depending on your budget, you may want to consider outsourcing as the most viable option.

Throughout your developer-seeking endeavors, take some time to check out Perpetuum Code.

Perpetuum Code can offer a more bespoke solution for your startup with our custom software solution services.

Our team of over 100 software developers, engineers, and programmers has industry-specific experience working on all kinds of software development projects.

We’ve been augmenting existing IT teams to revamp business systems and designing new solutions from scratch for over 10 years.

We’re confident that we can elevate your startup to new heights. Hire two, three, or a larger team of 10+ developers to take on your next development project.

We can accommodate whatever your software development needs are. Whether you need help at the early stage of development or integrating systems with your existing solution, Perpetuum Code has got you covered.

Why Unique Website Design Matters

Thinking that creating a simple and visually pleasing website is enough may cost you a business. There is fierce competition for customers’ attention and loyalty no matter what industry you are in. It means that you should go above and beyond when developing your website. This article explains why unique website design matters and what things to prioritize when you create your website.

Unique Website Design: What Is It?

Wait, what is a unique website design anyway? Uniqueness is an elusive quality difficult to define. In the context of web design, it may mean many different things, such as the following:

  • Distinct visual style
  • Unconventional design solutions (e.g., shifted positioning of the navigation bar)
  • Memorable logos
  • Informative and engaging content (both textual and visual)
  • Well-thought selection of fonts and colors

A unique website entices potential customers to stick around and explore. It looks different and does not make people wonder, “Where have I seen it before?” The main goal of a unique website design is to make sure that users instantly recognize the website out of hundreds of others and associate it with your brand.

Accessing DuckyLuck Casino is a straightforward process, thanks to its user-friendly interface. To enjoy a wide range of exciting games and promotions, players need to complete the DuckyLuck Casino login procedure. Simply navigate to the official website and locate the login section. Enter your registered email address and password to gain entry to your gaming account. If you’re new to DuckyLuck, you can easily create an account and explore the thrilling options available. For returning players, the login procedure helps you quickly reconnect with your favorite games. All you need to do is visit and start your gaming adventure!

An important thing to understand is that even the best web design is not always unique. Your website may be easy to use and has excellent content and layout. However, if it does not stand out from the rest, it cannot catch the audience’s attention. The more points of differentiation you have, the better.

What Uniqueness Matters?

You may wonder why you should invest so much time and effort into creating a unique website. Good websites may bring money and new customers, but they are inferior to unique ones when it comes to the following:

  • Setting the first impression right
  • Creating a positive impression for customer service
  • Building trust
  • Standing out from the crowd
  • Enhancing search engine optimization (SEO) strategy

If you want to build a business that will remain competitive for many years, uniqueness is what you need to create a strong brand identity and build a loyal customer base.

Final Tips

If you are looking for a unique website design, it’s always better to use professional help. Start by getting website design consulting services. Experienced web developers and web designers will help you find the unique twist that suits your company’s image and goals. Another important thing to remember is that you should not prioritize uniqueness over user experience. Make sure that all your unconventional design solutions do not make users’ website experiences challenging.